Postpone your invoice due date

Only the due date of an open invoice can be postponed in the online service. If your invoice has already fallen due and you need more time to pay, please contact the payment services team.

If your invoice has been transferred to debt collection, you must contact the collection agency directly to resolve the matter.

How to postpone your invoice due date in the online service:

  1. Log in to the service. If you don’t have an account yet, you can register using your online banking credentials.
  2. In the top menu, go to Invoices.
  3. Find the invoice for which you want to postpone the due date. If the due date can be postponed in the online service, a Postpone due date button will be visible next to the invoice.
  4. Click the button to open a view where you can select a new due date.
  5. Choose a new due date and save the changes. The new due date will now be displayed on your invoice.