Moving and your electricity contract – what to do
Are you moving and need an electricity contract for your new home? Wherever you are moving in Finland, contact us for a suitable electricity contract. You should also read our tips on how to get electricity for your new home quickly, and what you should remember about electricity in your old and new home.
Electricity for your new home
Electricity contract for a new home – make the electricity contract online
The easiest way to make an electricity contract is online. It only takes a few minutes!
We take care of the rest: we will make a distribution contract with your local distribution company and, if you wish, we will terminate the electricity contract at your old address. Remember that you should make a new electricity contract at least a couple of days before you move in to your new home. However, if necessary, we can connect your electricity supply on short notice. Read here how to get electricity connected right away.
Need an electricity contract quickly? Call our customer service
Forgot your electricity contract and only remembered it on the day you are moving? Call our customer service at +358 6 324 5750. We will help you get electricity as soon as possible.

Existing customer – remember to change the address of your electricity contract
Want to transfer your existing electricity contract to your new address? This is done by terminating your old electricity contract and making a new one for your new home. Make a new electricity contract for your new home here.
You should submit a notification of a change of address at least a couple of weeks before your move, but if you call our customer service, you can get electricity for your new home faster than that.
The electricity contract and moving: good to know
Terminating your old electricity contract
Remember to terminate your old electricity contract when moving. If will not be terminated automatically even if you make a new electricity contract for your new home. You can make an new contract and end the old contract simultaneously.
If you forget to terminate the old electricity contract, you will receive the electricity bill until you do. Your old contract will be terminated without a separate termination once the new resident at your previous address makes a new electricity contract.
Fixed-term electricity contract and moving
Got a fixed-term electricity contract in your current home but you are about to move? Not to worry – you will not be stuck with two electricity contracts. A fixed-term electricity contract can usually be terminated before it runs out when you move house, and you can make a new contract for your new home.
Electricity contract during the weekend
If you need to have electricity connected during the weekend or weekday evening, call your local power grid company’s outage service. They might be able to get you connected, but they will charge for doing it. You will also get instructions on how to go about making an electricity contract in such a case.
Using district heating and the house will get a new owner?
If we have provided your district heating, inform us of the new owner.

download Vaasan sähkö mobile app
- Use your bank credentials or a mobile certificate to enable the app.
- Please note that you cannot log into the app with the credentials you use for our Online Service, but must create a new user ID.
- At this point the mobile app contains only our consumer customer’s information.