
  • Some of our customers have received the same payment reminder several times

    Due to a technical error that has just occurred, some of our customers have received the same payment reminder several…

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  • We will switch to partial electronic communication – Please let us know if you would like to continue to receive your letters on paper

    At the beginning of October, we introduced the industry’s new electricity sales terms (SME 2024), which enable electronic customer communication…

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  • Investments in new gas-engine plant – Vaasan Sähkö’s share more than 50%

    Vaasan Sähkö is planning to invest in a new gas-engine power plant in Tornio, as part of a co-investment between…

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  • A new general value added tax will be introduced from 1 September 2024 – see how it affects the price of your contract

    On June 28th, Parliament decided on increasing the general value added tax. From the beginning of September, the general value…

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  • Connection fault in electricity meters due to temporary interruption in data communications – the fault is being repaired

    Some of the electricity meters within the Vaasan Sähköverkko distribution area currently show estimated consumption due to a temporary disruption…

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  • Opening hours for the summer

    Our service point at Kirkkopuistikko 0, Vaasa, will be closed for the summer. During the summer, you can contact us…

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  • Large-scale solar plant to be built in Lapua: Vaasan Sähkö’s share almost a third

    The solar power plant being built in Heinineva, Lapua is exceptionally large on a national scale. Constructed by EPV Energy,…

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  • Electricity market: Spot prices for 24.11.2023 exceptional

    A system error has lead to an extremely low spot price on Nord Pool starting from 3 PM November 24th.…

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  • The Consumer Protection Act is renewed – we are updating our online store

    The Consumer Protection Act is renewed on October 1, 2023, which also affects our online store. Strong authentication is required…

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  • Possible reimbursement on your bill, starting from April

    You might be compensated on your bill for high electricity prices in November–January. The retroactive reimbursement for electricity costs will…

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