Terms and conditions for Vaasan Sähkö’s digital services
1. Purpose of terms of use
The customer (hereinafter “Customer”) is a legal or natural person who has made a contract with Vaasan Sähkö Oy and/or Vaasan Sähköverkko Oy (e.g. for electricity sales, online services or district heating provision). These terms of use are applied in contracts between Vaasan Sähkö Oy and Vaasan Sähköverkko Oy (hereinafter “Vaasan Sähkö”) and the Customer concerning the Customer’s right to use digital services offered by Vaasan Sähkö. The above parties, Vaasan Sähkö and the Customer, are collectively referred to as the “Parties”.
2. Digital services
By digital services, we refer to internet services maintained by Vaasan Sähkö that are enabled by means of the registration process described herein. The registration is done separately to all services. The Customer accepts that the username and password or some other identification method accepted by the service and needed for accessing the service, corresponds to the Customer’s signature. Using the service, the Customer may, among other things, view and, with binding effect, change contracts, request changes to them and order services to the extent allowed by the service in the case in question.
When registering for the service, the Customer accepts that electronic messages, conforming with the general contract terms of Finnish Energy applied by Vaasan Sähkö, may be applied to the Customer, and Vaasan Sähkö may send the Customer the contract documents, contract terms and reports (such as usage reports) required under the various laws, decrees and other regulations or contract terms electronically through the service or by other electronic means, provided that the above laws, decrees, regulations or contract terms so permit. Vaasan Sähkö does not charge the Customer for launching or using the system unless otherwise agreed between the Customer and Vaasan Sähkö with regard to specific services.
3. Username and password
When registering, the Customer receives a personal username and password for the service. The Customer is committed to storing them carefully and keeping them confidential, ensuring that they are not divulged to outsiders. The Customer is responsible for any use under their username and password, including any losses and expenses. If a Customer has reason to believe that their username has been lost or obtained by outsiders, the Customer must change the password as soon as possible or inform Customer Service thereof without delay. Customer service will as soon as possible ensure that the rights related to the username and password are removed during Vaasan Sähkö’s opening hours, when the work situation so permits.
4. Customer’s obligations
Responsibility for the correctness of information entered through the service lies with the Customer. The Customer is responsible for any actions taken under a valid username. The actions performed and message content within the service are considered to be in the same form they were in when stored in the service provider’s information system. Any information entered into the system by the Customer is binding on them. If information entered into the system includes mistakes or is destroyed, the Customer must enter new information if so requested. If the Customer detects or suspects an error in the service, they must stop using the service and inform Vaasan Sähkö about the error without delay. The Customer may continue using the service upon being informed that the error has been corrected.
5. User rights of representative authorized by Customer
The Customer may authorize another company or person to use services under these terms of use, provided that the authorized party accepts these terms and is committed to complying with them. Within these terms, authorization is considered to mean an authorization to handle all of the Customer’s services available through the services. The Customer/authorized party is obliged to inform Customer Service as soon as the authorization ends or to end the authorization himself.
6. Data security
The Customer and Vaasan Sähkö are both responsible for ensuring adequate data security within their respective information systems. Both Parties ensure that personal data is processed sufficiently carefully and in compliance with the relevant laws. Vaasan Sähkö will not be held responsible for losses caused to the Customer as a result of data security risks (such as computer viruses). Vaasan Sähkö will not be responsible for any losses caused for the Customer if any information is lost or corrupted in the data network.
7. Customer Service
Customer Service will advise the Customer, if necessary, on issues regarding use of the service during the opening hours of Vaasan Sähkö Customer Service. For support, please contact customerservice@vaasansahko.fi.
8. Availability and right to suspend the service
The operation of services and any scheduled exceptions to service availability will be displayed on the Online-service’s login page or the mobile application’s home page. Vaasan Sähkö has the right to temporarily suspend services if this is necessary owing to the services themselves or technical changes or updates, or due to the installation, modification and repair of the general telecommunications network. Vaasan Sähkö has the right to suspend the provision of services by closing the connection temporarily or permanently if, for example, the Customer does not comply with these terms of use or there is reason to suspect that the service is being used in a way that may harm the contracting parties or third parties.
Vaasan Sähkö aims to keep any interruptions as short as possible and to time any scheduled interruptions in a manner that will cause as little inconvenience as possible. Any disturbances and faults in the services will be fixed during the opening hours of Customer Service and as soon as possible, if the work situation so permits. If a change in the service causes an interruption, Vaasan Sähkö will try to minimize the inconvenience to customers and take the necessary action. Vaasan Sähkö shall not be responsible for any inconvenience caused by the above measures. If Vaasan Sähkö carries out modifications or maintenance work, Vaasan Sähkö will not be responsible if, as a result, the customer’s technical equipment must be adjusted in any way or is no longer sufficient for the implementation or use of the service, or if there are other consequences for the customer’s technical equipment.
9. Data connection costs
The Customer will be responsible for all costs incurred by acquiring and maintaining compatible equipment and data communications for using the service. The Customer will pay for telecommunications costs incurred by its connections with Vaasan Sähkö’s telecommunications systems.
10. Rights related to the service
Ownership and copyright in the electronic services and the material contained therein belong to Vaasan Sähkö or third parties.
11. Force majeure
Vaasan Sähkö will not be responsible for any loss due to force majeure or a similar cause that makes the company’s operations unreasonably difficult. In addition to a regular force majeure event, such reasons may include, for example, an electrical, cable or data communication failure, a disturbance in data processing or telecommunications, data transfer or other similar electronic communications.
12. Limitation of liability for damage
Vaasan Sähkö Oy will not be responsible for any disturbances, delays, faults, service unavailability, availability of usernames or other losses caused by the use of the service or its functions.
13. Applicable law and settling of disputes
Finnish law is applied to these terms of use. Any disputes within these terms of use will be settled by the District Court of Pohjanmaa.
14. Changes to services and terms of use
The service is continuously developed. Vaasan Sähkö reserves the right to change the content, services, user instructions, technical operation and appearance of these terms of use without informing the Customer separately thereof. If the Customer does not accept the change made, both the Customer and Vaasan Sähkö have the right to terminate the right to use the service. If the Customer uses the services after updated terms of use have entered into force, the Customer is considered to have accepted the change.
15. Contract validity and termination
The Customer’s right to use the service begins when the Customer has accepted these terms of use and filled in the information required to start using the service via the service website, and has registered for the service. Once registered, the Customer’s right of use is valid until further notice. At the latest, the Customer’s right to use the services will end after the Customer’s contract or contracts with Vaasan Sähkö have been terminated. Each Party has the right to terminate the service with immediate effect and without a separate notice period. Vaasan Sähkö has the right to delete a Customer’s username from its registers if the username has not been used for more than six months.