The Marketing directory of the Vaasan Sähkö group
Vaasan Sähkö Group Data protection description
The Marketing directory
1. Directory controller
Vaasan Sähkö Oy (”Directory controller”)
Business ID: 0209628-8
Vaasan Sähköverkko Oy (”Directory controller”)
Business ID: 1993667-7
Visiting address: Kirkkopuistikko 0, 65100 VAASA
Postal address: Tietosuojakyselyt, PL 26, 65101 VAASA
Phone: 06 3245111
2. Contact information
E-mail: tietosuoja@vaasansahko.fi
3. Name of the directory
The Marketing directory of the Vaasan Sähkö group, including the directories of Vaasan Sähkö Oy and Vaasan Sähköverkko Oy.
4. The purpose of use and reason for the personal data
The Directory controller manages personal data for the following purposes:
- For marketing purposes, including direct marketing, sending of newsletters, sending of event invitations, contacting potential and present customers, other customer communication and for executing the marketing and communications purposes of the Directory controller and its subsidiaries.
- For developing the customer service and business of the Directory controller and its subsidiaries
- For analysis and statistical reporting purposes
- For monitoring the traffic on the website
- For developing the user experience for the website
- For opinion and marketing research
Personal data is managed on the following grounds: the given consent by the registered, realization of vantages the Directory controller is entitled to and preparation and/or execution of such contract where the registered is one party.
5. The directory’s information content and personal data groups
The directory may store data concerning the Directory controller’s and its subsidiaries’ potential consumer clients and customer organizations, as well as data concerning people who work for these customer organizations and users of the Directory controller’s website and apps.
The directory may manage the following data about the registered:
- The name, postal address, phone number, e-mail address, title, employer of the registered, the employer’s place of business and address
- Data concerning realization and results of focused actions
- Other necessary data for contact or allocation
- Direct marketing permits and bans
- Data concerning online behavior
- Technical data, cookies and associated information sent to the web browser of the registered
One can also manage and gather information on how actively the person participates in events, polls and other similar activities organized by the Directory controller and/or its subsidiaries.
6. The correct information sources of the directory
Data is correctly gathered from the registered with his/her given consent and via information provided in connection with the ordering of newsletters, downloads and in connection with the leaving of contact enquiries and data obtained in connection with the use of web services (among other the websites of the Directory controller and social media) and the use of cookies or other contacts or during participation in events and raffles.
Data can also be updated via other people directories of the Directory controller, people directories of business partners and via authorities and other companies in accordance with the legislation.
7. Personal data storage
The personal date is saved as long as is needed to actualize the managing purpose of the personal data, specified in this directory description, taking into account the legal time restrictions and obligations.
Outdated and unnecessary data is deleted in an adequate way. Personal data is entered as such it is provided by the registered and is updated whenever the registered informs the Directory controller.
Personal data provided in connection to raffles without marketing permission are erased after the draw.
8. The assigning and transfer of personal data
The Directory controller may use subcontractors and service providers for management of the user information. The personal data may be transferred to the Directory controller’s subcontractors and service providers only if they are a part of the realization of the Directory controller’s services and user purposes mentioned in this description.
These third parties may not use your data for any other purposes that the ones described in this description and purposes mentioned by the Directory controller. The Directory controller binds them to keeping your data secret and makes sure that they follow adequate data protection in order to protect your personal data.
The Directory controller may give access to the personal data in accordance with demands decided by a qualified authority and legal preconditions. The information can be transferred outside the EU/EEA only in accordance with the legislation concerning data protection.
9. Automated decision making and profiling
The information in the directory is not used for automated decision making or profiling
10. The principles for directory protection
Protecting the data of the registered is important to the Directory controller. The data is stored in electronic system protected by firewalls, passwords and other adequate technical and organizational solutions. The only ones with right to the directory are people employed by the Directory controller or parties given authority by the same to do so, who need the data for their work. All those who use the data in the directory are bound by confidentiality.
11. Changes in the data protection description
The Directory controller is constantly developing its business and therefore reserves the right to make changes to this data protection description by informing about this on the website. The changes can also be based on changes in the legislation. The Directory controller urges the registered to regularly familiarize themselves with the content of the data protection description.
Description updated 8.7.2020