Vaasan Sähkö online service accessibility statement
Our service is subject to the Finnish Act on the Provision of Digital Services (306/2019), which requires public online services to be accessible. The accessibility of the vaasansahko.fi-service has been assessed by an external expert organization, the Online Service and the Mobile App have been assessed by an internal expert. If you notice any problems with accessibility, please contact us! We do our best to improve accessibility.
The accessibility of digital services
The online service partially meets the accessibility requirements (levels A and AA).
Non-accessible content
The website is not yet fully compliant.
The current search function does not meet all accessibility requirements
- There are duplicate tags in the search function (1.3.1 Information and relations)
- Some name tags are in English. (2.4.6 Headers and name tags)
No automatic completion of forms
- The fields in the forms lack an autocomplete definition. (1.3.5 Define the purpose of the feed)
The cookie consent query comes last in the ordering
- When using the keyboard, the cookie consent query is the last one in the structure. The user is not given the choice of accepting cookies at the beginning of the session. (2.4.3 Targeting order)
Accessibility problems in vector graphics
- The site has more than one graphic element with the same identifier. (4.1.1 Parsing)
This accessibility statement applies to online.vaasansahko.fi and was created on May 1, 2022.
The accessibility of digital services
The online service partially meets the accessibility requirements (levels A and AA).
Non-accessible content
1.4.13 Content on hover or focus
Pointer hover over or moving keyboard focus onto an element triggers additional content to become visible. The additional content cannot be hidden without moving the pointer or keyboard focus. The pointer cannot be moved over the additional content without the additional content disappearing.
This accessibility statement applies to the Vaasan Sähkö mobile-app and was created on May 1, 2022.
The accessibility of digital services
The online service meets the accessibility requirements (levels A and AA).
Have you noticed an accessibility gap in our digital service?
Please let us know, and we’ll do our best to fix it!
Contact us by email
Supervisory authority
If you notice any accessibility problems on the site, please first contact us, the site administrator. It may take up to 14 days for us to reply. If you are not satisfied with the reply or if you do not receive a reply at all within that time, you can report it to the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland (website in Finnish). The agency’s website explains exactly how to submit a notification and how the matter will be handled.
Contact details of the supervisory authority (in Finnish)
Etelä-Suomen aluehallintovirasto, Saavutettavuuden valvonnan yksikkö