Company Contacts
Find the parent company’s contact persons and board members, as well as key personnel of the group.
Vaasan Sähkö oy
Email addresses: firstname.lastname@vaasansahko.fi
Stefan Damlin, CEO
tel. +358 6 324 5211
District Heating
Markus Tuomala, District Heating Unit Director
tel. +358 6 324 5307
Electricity Trade
Hans-Alexander Öst, Unit Director
tel. +358 6 324 5350
Arja Rosing, Chief Financial Officer
tel. +358 6 324 5379
Strategy and Corporate Social Responsibility
Olli Arola, Director
tel. +358 6 324 5284
Mari Böling
Sponsorship applications are accepted twice a year through Team Vaasan Sähkö.
Communication, Images, and Press Releases
Board of Directors
Members of the Board of Directors of Vaasan Sähkö Oy
Lars-Erik Wägar
Marianne Munkki
Marko Nylund
Kim Berg
Jukka Mäkynen
Eva Liljeblom
vaasan sähköverkko
Email addresses: firstname.lastname@vaasansahkoverkko.fi
Jarmo Leppinen, CEO
tel. +358 6 324 5366
Power Distribution Disruptions
Petter Södergran
tel. +358 6 324 5240
Jarmo Leppinen, CEO
tel. +358 6 324 5366