District heating for housing companies
District heating is a reliable and affordable heating solution for housing companies. If you want renewable district heating, order the Climate Guarantee product.
District heating for housing companies
Benefits of district heating –Why should you start using Vaasan Sähkö’s district heating?
- Reliable heating: The security of district heating supply is almost one hundred percent.
- Low investment cost: The initial cost associated with starting to use district heating is relatively low.
- Renewable energy: With Vaasan Sähkö’s additional service, the Climate Guarantee, you can assure, that the district heating is renewable energy.
- We heat more than 80% of our buildings with renewable energy and waste energy.
- District heating technologies are constantly being improved. It is one of the energy solutions of the future! Notice that you don’t have to switch over to district heating completely: district heating can also form a flexible part of your property’s overall energy solution.
- A long-term solution: An average district heating system will not need to be replaced for more than 20 years.
- Easy to maintain: A district heating system is easy to maintain, and any repairs can also be completed effortlessly.
- Personalized customer service: Vaasan Sähkö’s customer service is always available and will tend to your needs as fast as possible. And, if you need face-to-face assistance, we can always pay you a visit.
- Increase the value of your property: District heating is a highly popular heating solution that can be implemented in both new and old commercial buildings.
- Monitor your energy use: With Vaasan Sähkö’s online servive, you can easily monitor your company’s energy consumption on an hourly basis. This information can help your company to make better decisions regarding its use of energy. You can also subscribe to hourly data on district heat consumption through the MSCONS report message service.
A long-term energy solution with low initial cost
Compared to solutions such as geothermal heat, the initial cost associated with district heating is quite low. The pricing of a district heating connection for a company or housing company depends on how much heat the property requires. See our price list.
District heating is an affordable solution, and the equipment used for it usually has a long service life of 20 to 30 years.
Locally produced
The 80 percent of the district heating offered in the Vaasa region is produced using renewable and waste heat.
We are constantly improving our energy production. Our current goal is to make our primary production carbon neutral by 2030.
This is how we produce district heating:
- Making good use of waste: roughly half of the district heat sold by Vaasan Sähkö is produced in Westenergy’s waste incineration plant in Mustasaari.
- Producing heat from wastewater: We recover heat from wastewater at the Pått wastewater treatment plant. The plant has an annual heat production capacity of 60 gigawatt hours. That is enough to heat 2,000 detached houses for a year! Heat recovered from wastewater is considered renewable energy.
- Using stored heat: At times when there is plenty of cheap wind power, it can be used to heat water in the Vaskiluoto thermal energy storage (TES) facility and to provide heat to buildings in the district heating network.
Choose Climate Guarantee
Climate Guarantee is an add-on service that ensures the district heating you purchase is produced with renewable energy.

How to connect your company to district heating
- Request a quote by filling in the form above or contact our district heating customer service.
- After this, we will make sure that your property can be connected to the district heating network.
- Vaasan Sähkö will send you an offer for approval.
- We will also send you a district heating contract, which you can sign electronically.
- A meeting is organized to work out the details and agree on where and when the heat pipe will be installed.
- Vaasan Sähkö will install the district heating pipe.
- A heating, plumbing and ventilation professional will install the heat exchanger.
- All done!
Check the location of the district heating network on the map. If your company is located outside the network area but close to it, inquire about the possibility of connecting to district heating from our customer service.
Frequently asked questions
How is the district heating system installed?
The property is connected to the district heating network through a district heating pipe. To install this, we dig an installation trench on the property.
During the planning meeting, we agree with the customer on the location of the pipe and the schedule for the installation work. We also assist the customer in deciding where the heat exchanger should be installed. It is usually placed in the boiler room or garage.
The installation of the heat exchanger is the responsibility of the HVAC contractor ordered by the customer.
How long does the district heating installation take?
The entire installation process typically takes about two weeks.
Digging the installation trench, laying the district heating pipe, insulation, welding the pipe, and filling the trench usually take about one week.
The installation of the heat exchanger usually takes a few days. This is handled by an HVAC contractor. The installation is not included in the district heating delivery, so you will need to order an HVAC contractor to handle the installation.
Can district heating be installed in winter?
Installation work is typically carried out from spring to autumn, but it can also be done in winter if needed. If the ground is frozen, excavation work may take more time.
Is district heating suitable as a replacement for oil heating?
Switching from oil heating to district heating is easy, as oil-heated properties already have water-based underfloor or radiator heating. This means that only the heat source needs to be changed, with the heat exchanger replacing the old oil boiler.
When ordering district heating, inform us of your oil consumption. This will help us estimate your district heating operating costs.
What is a heat exchanger?
A heat exchanger is a device installed in a property that transfers heat from the district heating network to the property. The size of a heat exchanger is typically around 50 cm x 70–80 cm x 30 cm, depending on the manufacturer.
The heat exchanger monitors the outdoor temperature and adjusts the temperature of the water circulating in the radiators or underfloor heating accordingly. This ensures that the room temperature remains consistent despite fluctuations in the outdoor temperature.
How much does a heat exchanger cost and where can I get one?
The price of a heat exchanger, including installation, is typically around 5,000–6,000 euros.
Customers can order a heat exchanger through an HVAC contractor. The HVAC contractor will assist in selecting the appropriate model.
How does district heating work?
In district heating, thermal energy is transferred through water circulating in the district heating network. The water is heated at the district heating production plant and distributed via the network to properties using district heating. These properties may have systems like water-circulating underfloor heating or radiators, which circulate the warm water to heat the indoor air.
A heat exchanger is used to transfer heat from the district heating water to the water circulating in the building’s radiator or underfloor heating system. Similarly, it also heats domestic hot water.
How can I adjust the temperature?
To change the temperature of the entire property, you need to adjust the heating curve on the heat exchanger.
For adjusting the temperature of an individual room in a property with radiator heating, you can adjust the radiator valve.
How hot is district heating water?
The temperature of the water coming from the district heating network to the heat exchanger—known as the supply water—can be up to 110 degrees Celsius. The supply water temperature varies depending on the outdoor temperature.
Does district heating equipment require maintenance?
Before the start of the heating season, you can take the following measures to ensure that everything is in order
- Check the heating system’s pressure level and top up or vent it if necessary.
- Check the operation of the control valves and pumps.
- Check the functionality of the control devices for both heating and hot water.
Also, periodically check in the heat distribution room to ensure there are no leaks in the heating system’s pipes or connections.
When should the heat exchanger be replaced?
District heating is a reliable heating solution. A heat exchanger is long-lasting, and its replacement typically becomes necessary 20–30 years after installation.
Does district heating heat the domestic hot water?
How is district heating billed?
You will receive a monthly bill based on your chosen billing method. The bill consists of the energy charge, a monthly basic fee, and taxes.
Read more about the pricing here.
What does the pricing of district heating consist of?
The total price of district heating consists of an annual base fee, energy charges, and taxes. Read more about the pricing of district heating. Heating is billed 12 times a year.